I, Mestra Jussara have been a Pro and Lifestyle Dominatrix & BDSM Trainer always inclined for filthy dirty Toilet boys for over 20 years.

My empirical Toilet Training approach is based on submissive males who will eagerly do whatever I want or toilet boy who wants to know what I want, and wants to do it for Me to see Me happy & smile!

I have dominated over 10,000 men, Double with over 1,000 of  Pro-Dommes, and shit over five hundred famine toilet slaves mouth!

Questions are:

How do I start?

What do I  say?

What do I do?

What not to say?

And, how do finish and consume ALL?

I can teach you from beginning to end how to be the ULTIMATE recycling unit playdate scene!

how to submit to Me:

I will use My voice, My touch, My environment; and finally, how will transform you into a complete HUMAN TOILET. 

Under My strict supervision!

Now, boy you go sign up for My Mestra Jussara scatbook you can get a sneak peek into what your future holds for you! 

Do you want to stay updated on all things?